WTB: Older Video Games

I’m looking for a few older video games, anybody else looking feel free to post in this thread as well.

okay here’s my wishlist for today.

Warcraft 2 The Dark Saga (PS)

Similar Warcraft game (Xbox)

not to go COMPLETELY off topic here but…

I Have: a Sega, Sega CD, and Sega 32X w/ games

If anyones interested hit me up.

thats a fitting post, damn i remember the saturn, wow im old

I’ve got an extra metal gear solid for PS. I had thought I lost it abour 4 years ago and bought another one.

I remember the day we got nintendo… it was amazing lol

I just dug out the Nintendo 64, anyone have any games?

dude, i have like 40+ games for n64 in storage, ill sell them all to you cheap. hows like $100 sound? its like $2.50 per game