WTB:Plastic Corner thats behind FRONT-RIGHT plastic mudflap

i wanna buy a plastic corner piece, i guess its not the actual mudflap itself but its a lilttle corner piece that goes behind it, it goes on the front right fender’s wheel well, heres a picture of exactly which part it is, colour doesnt matter, if anyones got one pm me or email me or msn me alesserfate@hotmail.com


Is that your car?


I must say thats a clean looking S13a but I am affraid as to why you need that part now. Please dont tell us you screwed that nice looking S13 up lol.

want to sell it?

yeah i screwed it to hell, over the curb and into a pole cause im a noob…
lmao jkz, i just lost it somehow -_-’ or someone ripped it off, anyway dont wory the cars fine i just need that piece… thanks…

no i dont want to sell it i just got it never winter driven perfect frame, NO rust, NONE, i rebuild the body panels and oilsprayed them inside and oilsprayed the frame and everything under even got an underengine cover to prevent splashing, did alll that just so i could drift in teh winter

does ANYONE have this piece, i really need it, car looks weird without it and stuff splashing in there, please and thx

I may be taking mine off this weekend, if its not to cold, ill let you know.

i have all 4 painted pearl white 2 summers ago, they were never put back on the car since and just sitting on the shelf in my garage.

$30 for all 4

pm me if interested

lmfao vlad what’s that you’re trying to draw coming out of the back? exhaust?!

i thinks me gots some in the garage pm me if u still need them ill hook u up cheap

right on man, pm u right now