WTB: Remote Starter for 1994 Civic LX Auto

Who could do it on the side for some extra cash. Looking for nothing expensive cheaper the better just need 2 thing, keyless as it does have power locks if that possible if not then its ok, but I NEED the remote starter features first. Please let me know who does them and how much. I got it done once by someone but he hasn’t got back to me in 3 weeks. So I don’t know what the deal is.

I would like one too for an e46, manual

i put a remote start in my neon, but it doesnt have the keyless entry feature.
bought it from wal-mart for 30 some odd dollars and still works great to this day.

only thing i can think of is advanced auto electronics at 7 corners in hamburg/orchard park.

yo just pm me i have someone