Looking for some wheels with tires for my girls car. I am not looking for something really over $300. Must be 4x100 bolt pattrern. Prefer a 17, but will take something between a 15 or 18. Good tread is always a plus.
I have these, I just dont know when I can get to them, there in storage still.
They are 5zigen Fireballs 17", 2 good tires and 2 are way to wide for a Civic, and I want $300 for them.

I also have these AR 15", bad tires, I want $150 for them:
I would be interested in the fireballs. What size tires are on them? When would you be able to get them?
There actually going on a 95’ Integra, but its the same fitment as a civic just about.
2 of the tires are 205/40/17 and 2 are 235/40 or 45 I dont remeber off hand. Honestly dont know when I can get to them, maybe 2 weeks or so. My storage is a huge mess and they are way in the back. Long story short my GF left me and I had like 2 weeks to get EVERYTHING out of my apt. The 205s are in decent shape Nankangs or something, and the 235s are decent Yokohamas, you could probaly sell them for like $50.
silent is selling 18’s… they are real nice, look down in the classifieds a bit for 'em.
Kepp me posted in the fireballs, i still may want them when you get the out of storage.
I have been talking to silent about the 18’s. He has someone looking at them tomorrow, so this is a back plan in case they sell. Otherwise I will be picking his up as well.