WTB s14 hood, rad support, metal bumper, headlights, signals

thanks for the insight :slight_smile: are you using a zenki rad support and light bracket set too?

and as a side note, i’m just going to throw this out there. I’m doing this as a winter project, and working at a very seasonal job funds come in a lot slower in the winter, so i’m buying this stuff part by part.

i know i can prob buy the whole conversion all at once, but i simply can’t afford it. and as for saving up and doing that, well i’m slowly working on the car to keep me busy so i like buying parts here and there to give me something to do.

on that note the most important parts i’m looking for at the moment are (in order)

  1. hood
  2. lights (without corners, or with for a good price, i don’t care)
  3. light bracket
  4. rad support
  5. rebar
  6. s15 hood hinges
  7. bumper
  8. turn signals

but hey if you’ve got what i need right now at a god price PM me :slight_smile:

cheers guys

keep the helpful hints coming they are defiantly appreciated