WTB: Server/Old PC

Anyone have a server or older PC they are looking to get rid of? Nothing too fancy. P2/3 or greater. Looking to add a hard drive array to it. Also rack mount or floor mount is fine too.

Let me know prices and also if you want to trade for anything


Dual P3-550 (Slot 1)
512MB of RAM
Built in SCSI controller
2GB SCSI Seagate drive with Win2k on it
ATA133 PCI RAID controller card
2 PCI Ethernet controllers

All in a mid-tower ATX case, just add drives, and maybe a beefier power supply and your ready to roll. $100

Might be a little more than I am looking to spend. I will be in touch tho when I do some looking around.

I have a P3 Dell at home with at least 512ram sell that for $45…I will see what else I have kicking around.

Any hard drives in it and what is the processor speed?

I will check when I get home…I know I have give a 200gig IDE in it now.

I am intrested. Let me know details when you get home.