WTB: Shift knob

I need a shift knob with the following size:10x 1.25 mm . I got the OBX short shifter and apparently thats the size of the knob that will fit it.

I gotta mint stock one you can have for $10…

I got the stock one to, but the thread size on the shifter itself makes the knob loose. I need an Aftermarket one. Thanks anyways.

I think I may have a Nob…

Silver and black. ill try to find pics

Cool, let me know

If the Knob is made for the 240 the OEM shifter should bolt on no problem. If it doesnt id be kinda worried.

It dosn’t, Maybe its an OBX thing, The OBX knob fits fine, the oem dosn’t, smaller thread size: 10x 1.25 mm

my stocker threads onto my OBX just fine…

I have a Razo RA25 I’ve been wanting to trade for something new…
