I’m not trying to talk anyone out of buying anything. Just personal preference. For $1k I’d probably do it too. They are fun when you jump on them, just make sure you got 144 studs at least or that Mach isn’t going to hook up for shit.
Yeah i hear ya man. I know that 97 and up have better suspensions, but i dont really care lol. I mean i have never owned a decent sled, so im sure the mach will be just fine even though it is heavy. Im not gonna be doing some huge snowmobiling trips all over the place, i just wanna hit a few trails here and there and thrash around in the backyard. I think for a grand the mach will do just fine
ugh, these snowmobile threads have me wanting to build a snow cycle from the minibike frame and the old sled on the family land … bitches
i cant find any info on weather you can register a home built … i wonder if i can get away with turning a wrecked sled into a motorcycle / snowmobile
fuck me and my creative mind
i know i could get the thing to weigh like 200 max … probably like 170 or less
Ya for a grand you cant go wrong… as for long trips , thats what there for
ill give you some runs with the 4 stroke yamaha , forign sled american car who knew ???
I gotta 1997 Formula Z with 3400 ish on her i’d let go for 1500 not a dime less … i’ll keep her unless i get 1500 which isn’t too bad
whats the differnce between a formula Z and a Mach Z?
whats the differnce between a formula Z and a Mach Z?
Formula = trail sled
MXZ = performance sled/sno-cross capable
Mach = heavy high horsepower sled
yah i’ll try to get some up soon the seat is off right now bc im getting it re-done… run good but i think i’ll be puttin on some new plug wires and tune up this week end also…this is a great first time sled, its ez to turn, light, and has enough balls to out ride 700 and 800 tripples around here.
Well, im all set with my sled. Ultra make sure you post up pics Fisted is still looking for one :tup:
yes anyone selling a sled post pics in this thread and whats the sled is all about
i hope these work bid away hahah
she is a little dirty i’ll try to get some more better ones up 2marrow during the day
those are the pictures at my house hahahahha sled rips i owned it for 3 seasons b4 ultra…
sitting naked lady on the front of the hood = +50 pts :lol: