WTB Subs

k cool any chance you go to the lot would be cool. if not any where would be fine for me.

check out the times union center this weekend…they have having that electronics blow out thing or whatever the fugg it is…up to 80% off crap

bad thing to read when you have a shit ton of money burning a hole in your pocket :ninja

heard it on the radio…never been nor do i know anything more then when/where/whats being sold. car stereo/nav was stated

need speakers for the dub :slight_smile:

ok so any pics?

ohhhh my god lol

Sorry man, had family come up from Philly. Haven’t had a chance to get to them. I will be able to Monday.

ok cool thanks

guessing no luck with pics?

i have a bunch of stuff sitting around. 2 10" sony expods, old rf punches (10’s), kenwood 12", RF p2s slim 12" and i think more than that. pm me if you want more info.

Yo dawg, I heard I love NY Pizza has some dank subs.

:facepalmRed get your lazy ass to the storage unit already. I already told you I would help.

Eat me.

Achou: I will get to them soon, but if you want to talk to whitecivic, I completely understand.

Car Ramrod is selling a mint condition RF sub on here.

i have 2 12" JBLs in a ported box with a matching amp…HIT HARD