WTB: Tank


Just wondering if anybody knows where I could buy a new aftermarket tank. I went to CT and they apparently don’t have any for s13s…and this other place that supplies most dealers with aftermarkets didn’t carry any for 240’s as well. I’m going to check out the net to see if I can find anything out of the country but this isn’t really preferrable. So if anyone has ever bought one in Canada or has a new tank (lock ring + gasket too) lying around if you could give me a shout that’d be great.

Thanks in advance,


i got a gas tank 60 for it it cam out of my 89 hatch not leaks or anything still in good condition , the engine blew so i parted the car and kept all the good crap

instead of buying a used crappy tank, or an aftermarket tank. Get ur gas tank Renewed. Theres a place in scarborough that will sandblast ur tank. Fix any holes, and they use a special paint on the inside and the outside to prevent it from ever rusting again. Its ur best bet and its less than $200. I had mine done!

I have heard bad things about this and even seen it first hand. A older honda that my uncle had needed a new gas tank but instead he just got it 're-newed as you call it" and the next year the inner coating was lifting itself from the tank and started to clog up the fuel pump/fuel filter.

Yeah, the guy at the place I went to go look for a tank said he could ‘renew’ my tank as well. He mentioned the sandblasting, some fibreglassing and all but I’d rather go with a used tank instead of this since it’ll cost me as you say…less than $200 where as I could probably buy 3 decent used tanks for that and get more life out of it. I’ve heard from guys at work that the renewing usually only lasts about a half a year or a year at best until it starts degrading again.

Sorry, but I’m still looking for a new tank. It’s not a super big rush at the moment so I’m taking my time to look for a new one. I will keep your tank in mind though in case the situation becomes severely worse. Thanks.

But yeah, if anyone has picked up a new tank around the GTA before and could let me know that’d be great.

after a year and a half i dropped my tank when parting my old s13. Zero rust and i never had any problems with it. Alot of guys with older cars, especially show cars get this done alot. I worked at the shop that sends them to gas renew. Not once in two years ive heard any problems or had a tank brought back.

Maybe they had it done at a different place i dont know. As far as i know there isnt a brand new gas tank for an S13 in the aftermarket. I think u have to go to the dealer for a new one.

Why don’t you just buy a replacement brand new tank… they can’t be more than $200