WTB: Vest

Size small. Bullet proof vest. Lookin on ebay but seeing if any locally for cheap. There going used 150 and under on the bay. But not alot of smalls lol And hate waiting. Let me know . If you wanna keep it on hush just pm me. I work security getting my act 235 not robbing a bank



you really want to go cheap on something that could possibly save your life?

is this a joke?

you know vests have a
life expectancy on the armor and are only good for a few years?

also they are form fitted to your specific body, its just not a s,m,l,xl,xxl type deal.

i wear one everyday, and while my agency bought mine,
i strongly suggest buying a new good brand name vest.

i have two-
one is a point blank and the other is a paca

I can duct tape a baking pan inside a trench coat and sell it to you for $50… Thsi offer won’t last long.


Custom made Tactical Gear

Concealable Armor

yeah thisi snt something that you want to piss around with. hey im gonna go get something that may or maynot save my life. but atleast i picked it up for 52 bucs. thanks but no thanks.

stuff as many trauma plates in the chest as you can…especially if you are purchasing something out of date! Make sure you get the appropriate level for what you are intending to use it for. Also - MOST vests are custom fit - they even take titty size for womens vests haha.