WTB: Wireless Network Adaptor Xbox 360

looking for a wireless adaptor for my 360
tired of running cables from room to room
let me know what you guys got

i had a hell of a time finding one of those for cheap. i finally just broke down and bought one on ebay. good luck though.

You can go on youtube and find out how to make one. Also I think there is a cheap sony usb adapter wireless one that works and is half the price, I also broke down and paid $100 for a xbox one.

also linksys makes one for the 360 my buddy has it and it works good. i think it was 60 new

hmmm ill look into it
thanks for the info
still trying to find the xbox one though if anyone has something

well i do have one bc i keep my 360 hardwired. how much you wanna spend :slight_smile: ( you can pay me in ice tea too)

what kind are we talking?
and how much are you looking to get

It looks like the cheapest on eBay is 70 used. I’d do 60 cash or 35 cash and some half and halfs. Just text me at 7164648110 if you wanna make a deal. ( by the way this is tom from valet)

i know who it is
and i have your number
ill let you know this weekend depending on how much canada sets me back on friday night

Sounds good just wasn’t sure.

if you have a laptop with wireless you can bridge the ethernet connection and just use that. that’s what I use cuz I’m a cheap bastard and refuse to buy a $100 adapter

i do have a laptop
how is this done?

http://obogobo.com/2008/06/how-to-use-your-laptop-as-wireless-hub.html like that use method 1

yea, pretty much you just go to manage network connections. highlight the LAN and Wireless connection icons and right click to select the option to bridge the connection. I haven’t had any problems and I’ve been doing this for a couple months now

i dont think that would work… i have an apple laptop
ill probably just get the wireless adaptor and call it a day

ahh gotcha. yea I don’t know a thing about apple computers sorry

Turn ‘Internet Sharing’ On in ‘Sharing’ of system prefs. Select Airport to Ethernet, hit start.

Sharing prefs plane, Internet tab, ‘share you internet connection’ Airport to Ethernet, start.

Or get a cheap router and run DD-WRT on it in client mode, instant 4 wired ports for $20-40. But this requires some slight knowledge.

its ok
not a big deal

thanks :tup:
ill try this out in a bit
i set it up, just need to test it out

the laptop method works ok, but it is a huge pain in the ass to set up. and you have to have your computer on every time you want to play xbox. here is what i did in the beginning…

i got a wireless range extended, i think it was Linksys or something. it was like $38 on buy.com. what it does it creates a hard wired connection wherever you can get a wireless signal. works perfectly. what is great about this, is that you can use it for anything (like slingbox, computer, blu ray player etc). but now i use that for my slingbox and i bought the xbox one for my xbox.

maybe i can dig up a link later

Many options for this.

Option 1 - The xbox wireless module
Option 2 - Using a shared connection on a laptop
Option 3 - Buy a cheap, reliable , flashable router and use that. Flash with DDWRT or one of the few other modified firmwares.
Option 4 - Buy powerline adapters. Converts ethernet to be used on the existing powerlines in the house. (less likely for you as they are still expensive)