wtb: xbox 360

quit dancin with the deer and your schedule should open up

i need to stop posting on shift this sucks

f u shift !

you have the big hard drive or the 20gb?

I might consider selling mine, its the basic model. Had no problems at all and I used it pretty much to play gears of war and thats it. Comes with a memory card, and 2 controllers 1 is wireless the other isnt. If throw in my games as well for a bit more.

anyone got one with the RROD?

CL is prolly your best bet

I have an xbox 360 elite with 2 wireless controllers, matching black entercooler, headset and wireless adaptor I have been contemplating selling…

What might all that be worth if I decide to sell?

I probably have about 20-25 games too.

they usually go for $200-250, depending on when yours was purchased I’d say $250 is more than fair for both parties.


Sell it to me! I’ll give you my iTouch and $100.

youll touch who

You, obviously. I saw you the other day, I was even in the same store as you… I creeped around like a ninja. You probably didn’t recognize me due to my excessive tattoos, lawl.

But seriously, I was talking to the other guy that has the Elite. I want one, and I am willing to put up my iPod touch and some cash money.

Wtf? Harbor Freight?

MS just dropped the Elite pricing to 299 to match the PS3S. Just get a new one and enjoy the warranty “when” you RROD.