wtb: xbox 360

looking for a good clean xbox that hasn’t been opened and has no issues, perhaps someone has one that is just collecting dust…

me too

How much do they go for now adays? I have one that i havent used in probably a year, with the external hddvd drive…

A used one that was one of the first batches (meaning high chance of RRoD due to poor R&D)…I’d probably give $130 for (console only). This is if it’s mint.

A mint broken one I’d give $50 for.

I got my new one, pre-flashed/modded, for $260. And that’s with HDMI, controller, power brick, everything but a hard drive. I got it last week.

i got one 250 bucks, its got hdmi, hard drive, and includes 2 controllers, only used for about 2 months, aside from watching a few dvd’s. never opened or messed with no issues at all.

^^ not a bad price.

I will give you 200 and you will like it

Ill give him 205


Forza 3 is gonna be sick… $220!

found an elite that was bought in the spring with two games two black controllers and a headset for $230. good luck with that sir.

Nice. I have zero intrest in ever buying one…

Good luck to you Mr. Fizzle

I have the exact setup and will let it go for the same price. I never really used it. Shit’s mint bro.

not gonna happen

i have one laying around from vlad he wants me to fix it, thanks for reminding me while im out here, i’ll bring that back with me and actually fix it

then u might be interested in buying it, idk ask vlad later

and fucking who cares if it was opened or not, dont be a n00b, its actually better off if it was opened, that means it failed and was fixed

getting one that hasnt been opened means its gonna fail sooner or later

fail now or later

Incorrect. It will fail if it’s one of the older 90 (or is it 65?) nm chips (Falcon, Zephyr, etc.).

If it’s a Jasper core, the fail rate is like 4% while the older cores is like 55%.

$49 more he can get a brand new elite

90nm is older and 65nm is the newer fabrication process

and btw, the dvd roms fail the most , so it doesnt matter what the die size of the cpu is :crazy


Hurry the fuck up and fix his xbox, I am supposed to get it modded

Extra controller is fifty plus tax on that and system so he’s gonna save 125 bucks or so. I’ve also got a bunch of other stuff to include like guitar hero world tour etc…

oh shut up im doing the best i can over here lol i dont even have time to take a shit !