wtf happened to hillary duff?

going through new trailers on apple, i see the new trailer for “cheaper by the dozen 2”…whatever, its 330 am, lets check it out…only to find this


wtf…gotta love the new hollywood craze…bullimia…

come back soon


:bloated: from one of the movie review sites publicity still

Yeah it’s crazy, she’s so skinny now and with her new teeth she looks like a horse!

Lindsey Lohan did it, so she followed suit.

Looks HORRIBLE though. I mean, look at her face. it’s all caved in. Both her an Lohan I thought were basically perfect before. Now they are both poor looking IMO.

wow, thats one ugly bitch

she looks terrible in that first pic

Seriously. I actually heard on the radio yesterday that Lindsay Lohan was quoted as saying that her weight loss went a little too far…hopefully she’ll change back to being a little heavier!

Hilary is now 18 and i dont want her anymore. What a sad day.

thats just disgusting

Cocaines a hell of a drug, thats what happened

i’d tag both of them… for 50Gs each :wink:

shes bangin one of the lead singers of good charolte thats what happened to her…

looks like a damn crack whore

great now she’s ugly and hungry looking

whats even worse is he’s like 25, and he was banging her when she was 17… what a fucking creep.

But yea… shes mad ugly now.

i like big butts and i can not lie

ok. now take her here:

give her half sleeves (tattoos), a hot chest peice (tattoo), dual snake bite lip rings, some gauged ears, a few colored streaks in her hair, and I WOULD HIT IT x’s 238273258974985723532523523

hm. that’s not duff, lol…

that’s somebody’s mom…

I dunno, I thought lindsay lohan looked good a little chunkier…I mean she wasn’t fat, but I wouldn’t have called her really skinny, just normal looking…I thought hilary duff was skinny to begin with, so being even skinnier I think is sick…nothing wrong with being slender, but I can stand seeing chicks that look like walking skeletons…

they are both still to fat, fuckin dumb bitches