hillary duff PSA "that's ghey" = bad

I didn’t think this was for real until I saw it.

what a faggity commercial

so ghey

I think its so ghey they think people still would give a fuck what Hillary Duff has to say.

QFT, I didn’t know she still did…stuff.

careful there is a guy on here who loves hillary duff. he wont like these malicious words lol

And yeah, she got replaced by Miley Cyrus. Call me when she gets knocked up or goes to rehab for blow.

/\ I give it 2 years. tops.

Hilary Duff is /
not quite old enough so/
I ain’t never seen a butt like that /
Maybe next year I’ll say ass and she’ll make my pee pee go /
boing boing boing.