WTF is going on in this world

32 years old…5 kids, she tries to seduce one of them lol

gotta love good ol’ ghetto buffalo…


eh not too shocking for buffalo.

wait, wtf is going on? she raped him, had his kid, by posing as a friend of her daughters. Her lawyer is also his step father, who would be the kids step-grandfather?

Wow. I just don’t even know what to say about this.

no it was her kid lol

she must of had him when she was like 5 or something

Can you guys read?
It is not her child!
It is the father of her child who happens to be a child.

i do, but im too PC to say it here.

it wasnt her kid.

she raped kid.
she got pregnant with kid’s kid.
baby was being raised partly by her, partly by kid and his stepfather.
now shes going to jail, kid gets baby.

oh and if she was hot, she wouldn’t have gotten anything.

wtf, still


i cant read to save my life apparently.

i suck

^If you just read the headline it might seem like it is her boy.

^ no shit lol my first though too (evolves quote)

Just goes to show that you don’t need to live it a trailer, south of the mason dixon to have class

Is this one of those “Who’s on first?” jokes?

Who’s on mom?


I got a headache from reading it…

“After the sentencing, the stepfather of the boy said he was “just a little upset” about Sanchez’ jailing because she had been sharing custody of the toddler with him, his wife and stepson.”

Yea, lost his free babysitting.

this thread makes my head hurt


wow quality people

Youth of today LOL