WTF is up with the sigs?

“evos” heh-heh

I dont even have a sig… ?wtf

so first you complain about the sig and avatar copying, but now you are participating in it… umm, ok? :retardclap

participating??? I don’t have a sig! Is there something I cant see?

I wasn’t complaining, I was confused.

Sorry if I’m not a computer nerd and I don’t understand some of this shit

I’m not talking to you…

ok cool.
how did I get brought into this anyways? lol

I dident even change it

someone keeps fucking with me


Its singh fuckin with my shit btw


ill kill your goat!

^lol, nice

mods/admins changing avatars and sigs… wtf? wow!

shady said your name in the first post… thats my educated guess.

No shit you fucking prick! I don’t know how, I had nothing to do with that crap.

maybe it was shawn

one of you fucks with a vr4 had the same sig as everyone else lol

haha, prob.

why don’t you go cry about it some more?

haha, ok. You amuse me.

pricks amuse you? uhhhhh…

I wasn’t aware of Moderator/Admins having any part of this and I’ll look into it.

For the record, Shady you can change it back if you didn’t want it, which leads me to believe that you do…

Vlad… Its ammusing

that and IM way to fuckin lazy to do it myself…

all better