WTF is wrong with people...

Notice anything out of place?

Clues - Not my wheels.
Not my being at the EHM
Not my expired inspection

Something that belongs on one car, and is a functional piece… that is also found on another car where it wasn’t good enough to just take the wing, but he had to put 4 inch spacers on it.

I noticed it from like 100feet that it was out of place, so I parked and TADAAA here it is.

I think we should ALL bring those windshield markers with us ALL the time, just so we can tell people what we think of their cars when they are not at their car. They can wash it off, so it’s no biggie, IMO.

And BTW: it still is funtional. Whether or not it’s beneficial is up to debate. :wink:


Maybe the intended function is to make the car ugly, and to piss off 3S owners.

well, it sure gives domestic fanboys something else to hate on. lol

turn him in to rice-cop. mwahahah

use this:

if indeed that is the intended function id say it is performing very well:)

Someone knows this guy… and it is their civil duty to turn him in.

and what do you propose the punishment be?

hmm… remove the wing but leave the risers…

how about remove the car from the driver, and give the keys to someone who isn’t a tool. They’ll know to remove the wing and probably put a stock body kit on the thing.

So what if I told you how I felt about your car by taking a massive shit on it? I mean it washes off so it’s no biggie right?


it would still piss me off, but it gets the point across. Just stay away from shaving cream. that doesn’t wash off too easy.

BTW: I found a better way to tell someone how you feel about their car in the reply that followed that. Rice-cop tickets. lol 08-19-2005 07:37 PM would you like to be shit on?

On my cheSSt please.

Thanks! :tup:



Did he happen to add 700lbs of ballast to his car so it might drive like a 3S as well? :stuck_out_tongue:

nope… he left it light weight and girly… like a miata:crap:


Thats gotta hurt… we all cant drive underpowered street legal go-carts there :slight_smile: