WTFind Music!!!!

Im looking for the stuff they play on kiss 98.5 on like friday nights…the club remix sorta stuff…do u kno where i can download it to put on a cd?

Have to be the exact same? If not I have a few Armin Van Buuren: A State of Trance shows. They’re 2 hours long similar to the stuff you hear at night.

wait what!?

On KISS (shitty station I know) on Friday nights. They have continuous trance music. Armin Van Buuren does almost the same thing, only better in his show A State Of Trance[showUid]=589&cHash=3049335edc

from what kiss 985 says its all live dj stuff that is prob not recorded. some of those mixes are pretty sweet, esp when they are with songs that are currently in rotation

i wouldnt mind having some either, ill have to check out that link when i get home from work

They are on Demonoid


the best torrent site ever

so can u post up the songs for download?

torrent? i suck at the internets. from what i understand its like a compressed file or something?

dont hate!:confused::ohnoes: (im still using lime wire)

Torrent Guide Here:

Ditch the virus infested LimeWire and go with Soulseek:


and i was looking at the site and it dnt look like the music they play on kiss 98.5 at all?

I assume you are talking about the trance they play at night…message me on AIM and I’ll send you an Armin Van Buuren mix.

yea the live club music…whats ur im name (BillysRevenge)???


kid is a music master, he represents


ill post up what i find for every 1 im downloading a new thing now

word, thanks

so what can be had with torrents? i downloaded the utorrent program, but i have nothing to download. later ill uninstall lime wire (which always skipped when i was browsing the internet) and install that other one. but i have never got a virus from lw, just some shitty songs. lol