WTF's everyone doin tonight?

Your mom

Repeating last night and going out in Albany…

Heard theres a party at hatefields

careful u dont get shanked…:ahh

I was out last night (recovery room, lark tavern, DeJohns, Pearl St Pub and jillians)and everything was pretty dead… but I’ll be careful as always… Have to make it to football tomorrow lol

rubins having a party too

^^ Word I’m heading out there in about an hour or so.

union frat party --> siena girls hawaiian themed 21st bday party --> *

did we decide on a time?

not that I know of? last I knew 1 or 2? lol

yo i was gonna leave in an hour or two u wanna ride out with me or whatever?

Yeah, Im hitting up Rubins.


we should probably finalize that…

so hows the pub it looks nice from across the street. and you could say hi at jillians.

so hows the pub it looks nice from across the street. and you could say hi at jillians.[/quote]

You work at jillians? I was there for like an hour or more last night…

The pub is nice… doesn’t seem that much different… I am sure it’ll do well though… I stopped in 2 times last night once before and then after Jillians and there was a decent crowd … too many male bartenders though…

wheres the asterisk i googled it and couldnt find it

LOL, I lol’ed

read your post, i read your post

Probably going to Nicks Going Away Party aka s2k dood

DK what else to do !