summer roller hockey

alright, i’ve been home for like 3 hours and shits already in the works

ATM, i’m devising two teams, one for monday nights and one for tuesdays nights

Tuesday nights will be the “better” team, monday’s will be the “lower” i guess you could say

Looking for 10 skaters for the Tuesday night team, some of which are already reserved so start stating your cause now :stuck_out_tongue:

12 or so for the Monday night, again, a few spots reserved but plenty of openings, and we WILL need a goalie for this team, but i know cooter has possibly volunteered for the position, so yeah

i might start a new thread on this tomorrow once i start getting some commitments to play…i also may start a 3rd team on sunday nights that would take the “best” spot away from tuesday night…but all depends on interest

post up again bitches, and i’ll start a new thread on it tomorrow

also, keep in mind the possibility of spending some extra $$ for some baller jerseys too…again more to come…and also possibly some sponsorship that i’m looking into tonight :tup: