Official: Roller Hockey Sunday Nights

ok starting this sunday (3/26) we will be playing roller hockey at milsher on military road from 8pm till 10pm. the cost will be $10 / player. WE HAVE IT EVERY SUNDAY FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR. anyone is welcome to come out, post here if u have any questions or just want to say that your goin :tup:


u know u want to :wink:

hogan this is also an invite for you and your guys too

the words “want to” and “mil sher” do not go in the same sentence in my book, unless its saying i “want to” burn down “mil sher”

but of course i might have to swing by on some boring sunday nights…


Do it :slight_smile:

i’m tellin ya, its alot better than the last time u were prolly there. its no pepsi center, but it definitly does the job


have had a few pm’s/im’s about this :tup:

so whos playing this sunday or im i goin to have to cancell???

ill play.

if we dont get enough people to play this sunday, we should play saturday at epic center…seeing it’s only $5 on saturdays

i’ll play just to watch poose fall down :lol:

i’m out this weekend, i need to recover for tuesdays game lol


u can blame yourself for that one :stuck_out_tongue: haha

gtfouttathewaynexttime :slight_smile:

I would be in for either epic on sat. or sunday night.

sunday night lets get a list started i want it a good amount

please lets get some more people in on this…

keddie might play…i’ll have to call him

maybe tom will man up :wink:

get an official list - if you need 1 or 2 guys to make it happen, then i’ll move in accordingly

im in

and im sure i can get more as soon as i get back from FL.

u guys should have no problem getting enough people then…dennis says he’ll play goalie btw