Roller hockey Sign In

Ok we have a date in mind. Friday October 21. will more than likely be later in the evening. we are going to rent out the roller rink at Neville island.

Cost of the rink is $90/hr and we are shooting for 2 hours. individual price is all determined on the number of people we get to play. I would like to go no more than $10-$15 a person.

Neville Island requires a helmet to play on thier rink NO MATTER WHAT.

if you can definately play, please let me know so we can figure out the timeslot we want.

In so far:

are spectators allowed?
i’ve never played hockey other than in high school gym… but i could use a good laugh

yes spectators are allowed

when you need the cash chad?

when we play, we pay

i wont be able to get blades or equipment by then.unless someone knows a good used sports store when i can get that

play it again sports. can anyone give me a ride down and back? i live in North Versailles.

if you get shit off ebay relativly close you should be fine

wow they still exist i thought they all shut down

i think they did

nope can’t make it sorry

i have no helmet, or stick… but i can skate.

I will probably come down and take some pictures though!

Could anyone lend me some gloves and a helmet? I think I can cover the blades and a stick. Just a warning…it’s been a LOOOONG time since I’ve been on skates or shot a puck.

Edit: if you guys need a goalie, as long as someone has pads that I could use, I’d be willing to do that too…once again not promising much, haven’t played since i was like 14.

alright what does ppl need. make a list of what we need

i need everything.but im sure i could get stick and equipment and helmet

i have an extra stick its right handed, i might have a pair of shin guards but i would have to check on that

got you covered… you’re playing

I have a few extra pairs of gloves. a extra pair of shingaurds. and maybe an extra stick or 2.

I can get sticks for like $10 a piece though.

ur playin like back in the day

I have another spare pair of skates and a few extra sticks, theyre left handed.

whats size?