ok so sitting here and a few of us go the itch to play some hockey…called milsher and they are available from 8-10pm tonite. who wants in? its $60/hr, so divided by however many people we get. post up if interested! anyone is welcome!

down, and i may be able to get 1 or 2. would we have goalie’s?

even girls? haha :slight_smile:

anyone got extra equipment, I WANNA PLAY!!!, i got a size 12 shoe i can wear down to a 9.5 skate. please help me get some exercise

:tup: And yes we do need goalies.

and yes I’m in too.

I got a pair of 10’s you could wear. The wheels are pretty worn though.

Remember you need a helmet though.

k, anyone got a helmet??? anyone??

EDIT: prolly will need a right handed stick and gloves as well

You need helmets!


id go but milsher is the shittiest place ever and i will never give that guy any of my money again.

enjoy your death trap ladies :stuck_out_tongue:

ok we have one extra helmet and skates for you. The rest is up to you. If you plan on playing you should prob just buy a stick. You can get one for like $20 at Dicks.

yeah, but its a place to play :slight_smile:

BTW, I’m in :tup:

Jay, can Dennis and that other goalie play tonite?

hell ya dude lol :tup:
if you love the game, you’ll play no matter what

just be careful in the whoop section err corners.

good thing it didnt rain too much cus youd all need your squeegie skates.

im just saying be careful. i used to play there every saturday and i had a few friends get hurt there due to the horribly shitty floor.

oh and the guy that runs it is an effing deusche.

but other than those things the place is AWESOME! hehe

i don’t know either of their numbers :frowning:

:tup: exactly

we’ve played there for a while on saturdays and havent had problems.

do you know silvergtp’s phone number? im sure he could get a hold of dennis. it would suck badly with no goalies

GSX is in :tup:

ok if u got skates and helmet then im down, ill get the stick, wat u guys think about gloves? u guys wearin em. and whats adress to rink?