[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:37,topic:25311"”]
Ok, you and great$kate won yesterday, I’ll be there monday :eekdance:
[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:37,topic:25311"”]
Ok, you and great$kate won yesterday, I’ll be there monday :eekdance:
[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:40,topic:25311"”]
I never realized it until yesterday, but the Sherwood Paul Coffee sticks that Ive been using for years are labeled their “PMP” model. :tspry: nice coincidence
lol, ive been using a PMP5050 COFFEY stick my whole life :tup:
lol, ive been using a PMP5050 COFFEY stick my whole life :tup:
yep thats the one, Ive used it exclusively since I bought my first one a few years ago. I did always call it the PiMP stick, but I didnt realize Id name my business after it :lol:
12-14 skaters on a team would suck for you guys. you’ll be on the bench for a while unless you take mad short shifts.
yea thats 3+ lines lol
12-14 skaters on a team would suck for you guys. you’ll be on the bench for a while unless you take mad short shifts.
:word: id like to see 8 or 9 + goalie for a silver league. i can get a few good guys if we need a couple extra for a solid team
Im used to 4 guys and a sub, so 2 lines would be plenty
alright, i’ve been home for like 3 hours and shits already in the works
ATM, i’m devising two teams, one for monday nights and one for tuesdays nights
Tuesday nights will be the “better” team, monday’s will be the “lower” i guess you could say
Looking for 10 skaters for the Tuesday night team, some of which are already reserved so start stating your cause now
12 or so for the Monday night, again, a few spots reserved but plenty of openings, and we WILL need a goalie for this team, but i know cooter has possibly volunteered for the position, so yeah
i might start a new thread on this tomorrow once i start getting some commitments to play…i also may start a 3rd team on sunday nights that would take the “best” spot away from tuesday night…but all depends on interest
post up again bitches, and i’ll start a new thread on it tomorrow
also, keep in mind the possibility of spending some extra $$ for some baller jerseys too…again more to come…and also possibly some sponsorship that i’m looking into tonight :tup:
So tempted to say that I’m in for both nights. ARGH! Dibs on a Tuesday roster spot.
Well I scored a goal and put skunk on his ass monday, so all I needed was an assist for the gordie howe hat trick. I may have to do all the work for you on both nights as usual sean
i want in, but i’m at school until early may and then going to florida…so i wont be around until mid may, and wouldnt be able to get the money to you for the team until i get back…any suggestions other than shit outa luck? i would be up for silver as well
after some discussions with people tonight, i might end up pushing for 3 teams: a silver on sunday, a copper on monday, and a bronze on tuesday. a lot of it will depend on goaltending. also did some digging on sponsorship for the silver and maybe the bronze team, and thats up in the air until early next week, but would be a BALLER deal if it pans out :tup:
I could play on Sunday or Monday nights but not Tuesdays
cooter, if you can plan on being a goalie for a copper team on mondays, i think that would work out pretty well :tup:
sorry im delayed in getting this all up again, but i spent 6+ hours in court today and i don’t feel like doing a damn thing ATM. its all on paper but i don’t feel like transposing everything yet…probably tomorrow. i need to get a hold of a few more non-nyspeed people and get their commitment or not before saying exactly how many spots on which team is open and such
still shooting for 3 teams ATM, so all the people that said they wanted to play on silver will be sunday, copper for those who havent played in a while or just want to play is mondays, and bronze will be competitive but not as much as the silver team will be tuesdays
Monday definately for me would be best
id really like to play on a sunday silver team if theres no silver team ill play bronze. if theres both, ill play both. shoot me a PM jdmr2 and let me know costs and when u want money. neither of which will be an issue. let me know
And do you mean Epic Center, not Pepsi Center?
no, pepsi center, fuck epic…
Where does the Pepsi Center have it? They melt down one or two of the rinks?
^^ yea they melt the feature rink and another i bleive. i think there are 3 rinks