summer roller hockey

im looking for a summer roller hockey team to join. even two or three. ive played for the wings 18u and for RIT D1. i usually play in the nike base leagues ( tues and thurs ) but my team has disbanded this year. ive played in the pepsi center leagues in the silver and gold as well. id like it to be in a competitive league atleast. please pm me or post up if your looking for a player. i play defense but can play either if needed. thanks

anyone? :frowning:

i might have a bronze team that we’re going to try to make competitive since most of my friends are already on “good” silver teams

if you’re interested, i’ll keep you updated as i start building the team…

You know I’ll be down for this, it would be a good warmup to getting back in to playing.

yea def let me know. i want to play as much as possible. i played once with you over the summer at pepsi too i believe. i was in the RIT gear.

i’m also looking to play this summer as well so if anyone is serious about settin up a good team let me know

Yea Sean if you are gonna setup a team for summer lemme know, im trying ot play as much as possible

id start a team if i wasnt in roc till may. ill help someone organize if they want. i jsut want to PLAY!

alright, im heading back down to the beach tonight for the next two weeks and then i’ll be back here in a permanent fashion

i spoke with flowers (buddy/head of wings league) and what i am shooting to do is somewhat complicated lol, but heres the basic:

i already committed to playing on a silver team with a bunch of guys from HS at pepsi this summer, so my idea is to start both a bronze team and a copper team. dont let the divisions fool you, there are quality teams in both, its just moreso of what nights they play on. if the team i am penciled in to play with in silver opts to split into two teams, i might change the original idea of bronze/copper to silver/bronze

i have the sheet of all the prices based on how many players we would have, PLUS the cost of ref fees, insurance, and if we wanted, jerseys (thru pepsi center, so they kinda suck but they are cheap lol), and i’ll post those up come sunday night or monday morning when i get back in front of a computer

i have a good number of people already penciled in for bronze, but im sure we can get something going for more teams if need be, i’ll run it all since ive been doing it for the past 8-ish years lol

also, if we get our team deposit in by end of march, we get a free practice (yay) or if we register by end of april we get nothing, and games start first week of may with 13 games guaranteed plus playoffs

so yea, while im away this weekend, talk amongst yourselves here as to who would be in. rough guess on costs from what i recall is if we go with a smaller team it would run ~150/person with all ref fees and insurance figured in, and a larger team would be like ~120/person. the copper team will be bigger to accomodate more people, but i prefer whatever top team we do (bronze or silver) to have a short bench to promote more playing time…

op has roller hockey games every saturday night for 10 bucks

I am in Mr Poo. Just let me know. I’m done with my team. They’re a bunch of bitches.

id want in as well, i take it copper is rookieish, bronze good, so forth let me know as far as prices an what have you go

i am down for a bronze or silver team. id perfer silver though.

i use to play at OP all the time back in the day haha. i could never play in that rat cage again with a ball though

put me on wahtevr bronze or silver teams you make. ill play any or all!

im also an avaible agent …if anyone needs another team member

americanstreethockey you know where im at bro

if you want to play ice i rent it once a week. and play usually 4-5 times a week

There is a possibility I’d be in

alright, im back in the beach

i’ll get up the pricing details tomorrow afternoon :tup:

And what day(s) is this going to be on?


i need to start playing again