summer roller hockey

they melt feature and nhl 1, olympic and nhl 2 stay ice all year round…last year all of the games were on feature and im assuming they will do the same thing for this session…

opps totally forgot about taht 4th rink

So what kind of money is due when?


should have final financial details tonight

season starts first week of may, if we get money in by the end of march we get a free practice (yay) but save no money, so final call for money is mid april or something

let me know, ill be home next weekend to give money.

Whats going on with this?

i would like to play but i have no helmet or pads for that matter

yes please really inform me asap. I want to play 100% in for this.


what’s the deal sean?

any more info

im lazy thats the deal lol

final money will be due the first game, registration deadline is april 28th, we have teams reserved on sunday monday and tuesday in silver, copper, and bronze respectively

a problem we’ve run into ATM is we have no goalie OFFICIALLY on the roster for sunday nights, which is the top tier team…wickedcivy is supposively looking into it and ive got a few possibles im trying to scrounge up

i still have my magical roster sheet that has everyone who was interested, what pos. they play, and what nights they wanted, so that much is organized. i need to finish up with whatever sponsorship deals we may or may not have coming along with jerseys, and from there figure out a final cost

btw, is tall sean dead? lol…his knee got fuuuuuucked up…

sounds good…

as for sean… his knee is just real bad. very swollen. Has not gotten better at all. He can barely walk from what he has told me.

Says he is out of commission for a few weeks. But im sure he will chime in at some point

I should be back for playoffs (ie the season) gonna take the next couple of weeks off from the pickup games at milshir/pepsi center…

I have some flexibility in the knee, sore on the MCL and ACL, but not severe pain like the front tendon which feels like I am being stabbed if I bend it too quickyl

I feel lucky that I really didn’t blow anything at least…

im sure work isnt helping much either lol

I still cant beleive they called the ambulance. Also Im just wondering if you went to go get that check out at all just to make sure its not something worse then what might be suspected. And as far as hockey goes how many spots are open on each team or are they all filled if needed i could scrounge up 1 or 2 players

yea, i just emailed him again. he said most likely tho last time i talked to him (goalie). i wont beable to make the first game or two as well so ill have to give u payment sometime else. i dont move home till may 18th.

word, just keep me updated…hopefully he could make the first couple games lol…

Was I still playing goal for copper on Mondays? If so, when if the first game and how much is owed?

I could probably get a goalie too Sean. Let me know.


I still cant beleive they called the ambulance. Also Im just wondering if you went to go get that check out at all just to make sure its not something worse then what might be suspected. And as far as hockey goes how many spots are open on each team or are they all filled if needed i could scrounge up 1 or 2 players


ehh the knee is better and better everyday. I hope to be skating again in a week. I can already make sharp move on it while running so hopfully in about 2 weds I’ll be able to play again.