Nancy Palosi

make babies and start a family? Lets not be adults for a second here, i know if i’m 10 years old and some kid in my class has two moms or two dads i’m ripping him a new one. its not right but its how kids are. for gays to want to raise children is selfish and irresponsible. you may do more harm than good. you want that lifestyle your sacrifice is you can’t raise kids. That kid is gonna be more likely to end up fucked up due to society. Don’t get me wrong the majority of fucked up people are from a mother/father home but the reasons aren’t gonna be because they were confused about their parents lifestyle as a kid from a homosexual home would be. i’m not tryin to disprove you but this is just reality, they way things work. a kid is gonna make fun of another kid just because his mom is fat, image if you had a gay dad how bad that shit would get.