its an outdated tradition that should be done away with.
I know thats what he’s saying. Its a stupid/baseless generalization. Gay people want to marry for the exact same reasons that straight people want to get married.
I have no problem with you having ignorant/uneducated points of view. I do have a problem with you wanting to force your ignorant/uneducated points of view on others through legislation.
need new smilies
it doesnt mean anything. Its mindless/baseless propaganda to scare stupid people. Unfortunately, there are lots of stupid people out there.
I’m not asking you to argue. Im asking you to back up your comments, which it now appears that you are obviously incapable of doing. Most likely because they’re full of shit.
or :ignorantfucktard:
make babies and start a family? Lets not be adults for a second here, i know if i’m 10 years old and some kid in my class has two moms or two dads i’m ripping him a new one. its not right but its how kids are. for gays to want to raise children is selfish and irresponsible. you may do more harm than good. you want that lifestyle your sacrifice is you can’t raise kids. That kid is gonna be more likely to end up fucked up due to society. Don’t get me wrong the majority of fucked up people are from a mother/father home but the reasons aren’t gonna be because they were confused about their parents lifestyle as a kid from a homosexual home would be. i’m not tryin to disprove you but this is just reality, they way things work. a kid is gonna make fun of another kid just because his mom is fat, image if you had a gay dad how bad that shit would get.
what do you think an arguement is? an argument/debate are the same thing.
so what? Kids get picked on for being fat. Should we ban McDonalds? They get picked on for being ugly. Should we sterilize ugly people so they cant reproduce? They get picked on for being poor. Should only rich people be allowed to have kids? They get picked on for being a minority. Should only white people be able to have kids? What about interracial kids?
So what if you get picked on when you are a kid? Who didn’t? Does that mean you won’t be able to be a happy, functioning member of society when you get older? Of course not. Thanks for making another stupid, irrelevant point. Keep em coming.
seriously mike, you are the reason normally calm people flip out and kill their co–workers. If i had to listen to ur pompus ass all day i would kill you, i would take whatever i had on my desk and beat you with it. you are such an arogant, hard headed, fuck face! Fuck atleast i can admit when i’m wrong.
then why the fuck are you even in this thread? You don’t like arguing with me because I use facts/logic/reason/common sense to easily dispel your pathetically ignorant/stupid points. But instead of listening to what others have to say, and having an open mind, you just pout and call me an asshole to draw away the attention of how fucking retarded your views are.
edit: @ your above post. I almost know you too well, dont I?
If I had to listen to your ignorant/intolerant ramblings all day, I’d probably kill myself well before you got to your breaking point.
its like looking in the mirror…isn’t it. my facts/logic/common sense are reality too. we grew up different and lead different lives thats the difference!
Looks to me like you two (Cutty & Darkstar) view homosexuality in two different ways, Cutty sees it as a lifestyle choice someone makes, and Darkstar as a way you are born. Please correct my if I’m wrong.
If you view it as a lifestyle choice, then why should everyone make special accomodations for your choice? If someone chooses to have a civic union with a horse should that also be recognized?
If you view it as a way you are born, then it is not a choice you make. Such as being born black, white, asian, etc. If it is something you can’t choose to be or not to be, then the whole equal rights argument makes sense.
Last I heard there were decent scientific arguments on both sides as to whether it is a choice or way someone is born.
I’ve yet to see anything posted by you that even comes close to being considered a rational thought.
Oh, fags just want to get married to rip off the system. bullshit.
fags cant get married cause their kids will get made fun of. lame.
take out “fags” in those last two sentences and insert “black people”. or “poor people”. Do they still stand up? Of course not. Your entire basis for denying gays the benefits of marriage is because you dont like/agree with gays being gays. Its painfully obvious. You’re no better than a racist.
there are still people out there that believe its a lifestyle choice? You cant choose who you’re sexually attracted to? I didn’t choose to be heterosexual. And no one sits around and just thinks to themself “ehh… i think I’m going to become gay”.
But even if it were a lifestyle choice, it is NOT my place, nor anyone else’s place to support/enact legislation that will discriminate against that person’s “choice”.
There are plenty of examples of people that have changed their sexual preference over their life. Hell there are people that have changed their sex. Is it a biological thing, a mental thing, both perhaps?
Damn near all, if not all Legislation descriminates against someones “choice”, just certain choices are given higher priority by the Constitution.
I choose to own or not own a gun - protected
I choose to use my gun to shoot someone making dumb posts on Pittspeed - not protected
either way, if they changed their sexual preference, I highly doubt it was by “choice”.
And your analogy is off base. Homosexual marriage does not negatively impact anyone. Shooting someone with your constitutionally protected gun does.
It would’nt matter what the reason is that I’m against it, cause it’s people like you that no matter what will always say thats it’s ok. If you thinks it’s ok for 2 guys or 2 women to have sex and then impose that they want to be like every other normal married couple in america then you are just as fucked up as they are. Next thing you know it will be ok to fuck sheep cause thats what they want to do. That’s why this country is getting so fucked up because of shit like this. If anyone is imposing their veiws on someone it’s liberals like yourself and the nut job from san francisco nancy pelosi, which by the way is the capital for quires and homeless people. To argue with you is senseless, there is just no reasoning with a liberal as they are never wrong.