#2. This country is not getting fucked up because of things like this. This country is getting fucked up because people THINK american is getting fucked up by bullshit issues like this, and don’t pay attention to the things that are really fucking the country up.
#3. You keep saying that this “moral degradation” is fucking America up. Please explain how. Explain how homosexuals being allowed to marry will have a negative impact on your life.
#4. I’m not imposing anything. I’m not telling you that you have to think that being gay is or is not ok. I’m saying that its not the GOVERNMENTS place to say that being gay is or isn’t ok. Why you cant differentiate between the two is beyond me.
#5. I love how you say its pointless to argue with a liberal because they’re never wrong. Liberals stand for tolerance and equality. They believe the government should help those less fortunate. If Jesus walked the earth today, he would be a liberal, yet you throw the word around like it’s an insult.
In related news, South Africa legalizes gay marriage. That’s right folks, the country that brought you classics such as the Apartheid is now officially more progressive than the US.
That would explain why you take this so personally.
It doesn’t matter when you choose or don’t choose to be gay. Minors can’t get married, who are we to say that they can’t make that decision?
The only reason people can be married by the state, is because of the roots of marriage in the church, and that’s why the state calls it marriage. This happened before you were born, and before Pittspeed was on teh interweb.
Why did homos need to take the name “gay” and bastardize it? What’s wrong with homosexual?
How did homos live before now if we’re so freaking oppressive? If it was just about equal rights, homos would be ok with civil unions, but they’re not happy with civil unions, they have to change something that’s been around for hundreds of years, and mock both the church, and those that believe in it.
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from the sky because of homosexual behavior. This account in the bible, the book which also gave us marriage as a sacrament, should be enough to discourage homos from wanting to associate themselves with marriage at all, given it’s biblical roots. It would only make sense that they would want a different union, not called marriage. Funny, either they’re stupid, or they know something that you dumbasses who defend them don’t know. Get a clue, they have an agenda, and it is to distort and change what has been established before them.
You say progressive like it’s a good thing? Nobody is holding a gun to your head, making you stay here. You can move to South Africa and marry your boyfriend anytime you want.
Thats just one of the many things destroying this country
Who really knows what kind of impact it will have, but I’m sure it won’t be a positive one
It’s not only me and the Gov it’s also the majority of our society, I guess they are all wrong to.
So what your saying is because I work hard everyday and make a good living that I should have to give some POS lazy mother fucker who don’t want to work some of what I earned, I do enough of that with the taxes I pay. Or maybe if the fags are allowed to marry and since they can’t have kids maybe I should give them mine:nuts: . This is’nt a robin hood fairytale we live in.
Blacks and women have always been able to get married, and there’s never been a law that blocked homos from voting or getting jobs. The issue here is marriage. You civil liberties whackos kill me…
More than one wife…I think it would be a lot of fun, but I don’t see how it relates to this. What do you think about the special retirement that all the congressmen have, separate from our social security?
using examples from the bible as precedent for how to conduct legal matters in the 21st century is absolutely ridiculous. Sodom and Gomorrah aren’t real places. it’s also interesting that you bring up the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, because the Biblical version tells of Lot getting hammered and FUCKING HIS OWN DAUGHTERS. Also, in the Torah, Sodom and Gomorrah are known as being full of sin, but not specifically homosexuality; the “smite the fags” angle was added in 50AD in a flawed translation by Philo.
but you’re the narrow minded fool who thinks god created adam & eve (eve being made from adams rib) & you claim to know that “intended” for marriage to be between a man & a woman…
I know they got a strong hold on you…but open your eye & use some common sense.
we’re trying to free you’re mind…we can only show you the door, you must be the one to woalk through it…lol
here is a queston for you…do you believe/think there are aliens…other life forms in the universe?