Nancy Palosi

First off…it is the same…

its changing society for a minority…period.

OK…you’re done here…

if you’re anti same sex marriage due to religious reasons…because its a union between “A man & A woman” then your going against your own beliefs if you make an exception for multiple woman.

but i figured as much.

thats clearly obvious…

i took a page from you and twisted your words to imply your a faggot, thats all you ever do is twist words and take stuff outta context to make it seem like people are saying something they are not. what i think of homosexuals and what i think of blacks have absolutely nothing to do with eachother.

On an unrelated note i watched a program about what caused the ice ages… pollution from volcanos. so if this is true, wouldn’t our pollution have the same effect on the sun? blockin it out and causing global freezing? Also, the ocean tides are constantly beating off the shore eroding the land, wouldn’t all that setiment that is being dragged into the ocean and laying on the ocean floor cause the water levels to rise, rather than the melting of the ice caps.? I would love to see the libs go agaisnt science…well you know since you belive its scientifically proven you are born gay…

I don’t take it personally. Gay people don’t choose to be gay any more than you chose to be straight.[/quote]

It doesn’t matter when you choose or don’t choose to be gay. Minors can’t get married, who are we to say that they can’t make that decision?

:rofl: yes they can.

The only reason people can be married by the state, is because of the roots of marriage in the church, and that’s why the state calls it marriage. This happened before you were born, and before Pittspeed was on teh interweb.

wrong. from wikipedia: Marriage was strictly a civil institution until about the mid 5th century CE. Around that time Augustine and others theosophised about marriage and the Christian Church started taking an interest in co-opting it. Christians began to have their marriages conducted by ministers in Christian gatherings. Having always regarded it in practical terms as a relationship between a man and a woman, it was in the 12th century that the Church (the Catholic Church ), as well as other orthodoxies, formally defined marriage as a sacrament. (In Catholicism the Sacrament of Matrimony is between three people: God, the man and the woman). The Protestant Reformation reformulated marriage as a life-long covenant; Protestant leaders like Martin Luther and Calvin denied that marriage was a sacrament.

Why did homos need to take the name “gay” and bastardize it? What’s wrong with homosexual?

homosexuals didn’t take the name gay and bastardize it. :rofl:

How did homos live before now if we’re so freaking oppressive? If it was just about equal rights, homos would be ok with civil unions, but they’re not happy with civil unions, they have to change something that’s been around for hundreds of years, and mock both the church, and those that believe in it.

Ahh, now we see why YOU are taking this so personally. It’s “mocking” your church.

Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone from the sky because of homosexual behavior. This account in the bible, the book which also gave us marriage as a sacrament, should be enough to discourage homos from wanting to associate themselves with marriage at all, given it’s biblical roots. It would only make sense that they would want a different union, not called marriage. Funny, either they’re stupid, or they know something that you dumbasses who defend them don’t know. Get a clue, they have an agenda, and it is to distort and change what has been established before them.

So, was that BEFORE the guy built a giant boat and loaded 2 of every animal on the face of the planet onto it, or after? before the guy with the staff parted the Red Sea, or after? :rofl: and :rofl: @ religion. This is another wonderful example as to how religion breeds contempt and intolerance.

and :rofl: @ every one of your points being proved wrong.

I’m a registered Libertarian. Have been since the day I turned 18. if you’re interested in expanding you mind a little and hearing some fresh ideas.

Thats just one of the many things destroying this country

No. Unchecked government expansion and spending, erosion of our civil liberties, an abysmally inept foreign policy, etc are what’s destroying this country. Not boys kissing.

Who really knows what kind of impact it will have, but I’m sure it won’t be a positive one

The only impact it would have is on gay people. Since you’re not gay (I’m assuming), it wouldn’t impact you a fucking bit.

It’s not only me and the Gov it’s also the majority of our society, I guess they are all wrong to.

There was a time when slavery was supported by the government and the majority of our society. Guess they were right back then too?

So what your saying is because I work hard everyday and make a good living that I should have to give some POS lazy mother fucker who don’t want to work some of what I earned, I do enough of that with the taxes I pay. Or maybe if the fags are allowed to marry and since they can’t have kids maybe I should give them mine:nuts: . This is’nt a robin hood fairytale we live in.

Its marriage, not welfare… :ugh: I’m pretty sure the government doesn’t send you a check every month once you get married. Are you seriously that fucking stupid? And do you really think that gay couples are going to steal your children? :rofl: I’d bet that IF a gay couple were to want to adopt, they would most likely adopt an orphan. But thats just me. Maybe the gay gestapo will come in the middle of the night to steal your kids so they can raise them as their own. :rofl:/:ugh:

gay people suck

Progressive IS a good thing. And while I appreciate your offer to move, I love my country too much. I’d rather stay and fight to keep it out of the hands of prejudiced elitists such as yourself and make a better America for EVERYONE.

paypal =

just as they shouldn’t be barred from the benefits of marriage.


not directly. However, I marvel that you can slam people for being prejudiced against blacks and then turn around and be prejudiced against another group of people.

On an unrelated note i watched a program about what caused the ice ages… pollution from volcanos. so if this is true, wouldn’t our pollution have the same effect on the sun? blockin it out and causing global freezing? Also, the ocean tides are constantly beating off the shore eroding the land, wouldn’t all that setiment that is being dragged into the ocean and laying on the ocean floor cause the water levels to rise, rather than the melting of the ice caps.? I would love to see the libs go agaisnt science…well you know since you belive its scientifically proven you are born gay…


That’s what happened to my brother. True story.

I was awakened by our alarm. I ran to my brother’s room to find that he had been kidnapped, and not only that, but my parents’ house had been made over fabulously.

no i’m sure they would try to be fashonable and get an african baby or one from china…as long as there are orphans here that practice should be illegal IMO.


gays destroying the American families, one by one! DAMN THEM! DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL!

there are many reasons this is done…

#1 is because people want infants. & there is like a 7+ year waiting list to get a infant/newborn orphan in the US
& some agencys only alow famlies with no children to adopt an infant/newborn

#2 out of all the orphans in american only like 25% or less are available for adoption due to leagal reasons. i think this is still allowed but if the parents are in jail or rehab, etc even if its for a life sentence… they can refuse the release of their children.

there are others but i can’t think of them right now.

Who is they? As for common sense, it’s obvious I have more common sense than you will ever have. As for the showing me the door, it must have smacked you dead square in the head and scrambled your brains pretty good. And do I beleive in aliens, the answer to that is fuck ya, they are known as liberals and they are trying to take over this country with their twisted veiws. For someone to sit here and say that we, the normal people of this country should accept that it’s ok for gays to marry has just flat out lost there mind, and I won’t even bring religion into it anymore cause that’s something you don’t understand anyway, did you ever consider that it’s not normal for two guys/women to have sex. And if they adopt kids what does he/she tell their freinds, hi this is my daddy & daddy or mommy & mommy.

Why do you compare this to being racist? Being gay has nothing to do with anything other than a sexual prefrance. Just another way you try to twist someones words.

Your probably a member of PETA too:kekegay: .

no i think he’s one of the species PETA is tryin to save

Illegal aliens are a minority, I guess we should change for them too…

I was joking about the wives, and I didn’t say we should run society by the bible, I just said that we get the story of sodom and marriage from the same book.

wow…you really believe that too…
but its par for the course.

i don’t even know where to start…jsut read some of the crap you’ve posted.
any “normal” person with common sense would laugh @ most of it.
stop being naive & wake up

you are WAY off…i know a lot obout religion…yours & others.
does a mechanic only know how to work on one car…
does a cook only know how to cook one meal

I use all religons as a “guide” not a control for my life
I didn’t get stuck in the brainwashing rut of one.

you are still learning your “way” maybe someday you will come to realization.

& i asked the alien question to pretty much sum up the entire thing about you.
since you made a joke about it…i assume god & your religion has you believing that we are the only life forms in the universe. any person that is so narrow minded to not even be able to look outside their puny insignificant life to reailze there might be something else … sums the whole thing up.

i think you’ve taken the crown from cutty boosted & some of the other who have had it.