WTH : EDIT : Just need welder now!

Ok, so basically I took my crx to a shop to get painted. I did all the body work and jams myself and was planning to do the rest but didnt have the time. So I paid this guy to finish it. Long story short its been sitting there since March and its still not painted, and he wont answer my messages or calls anymore.

The engine bay and exterior need to be painted; and the exterior wet sanded and buffed.

I also need some welding done before paint can be done. The roll cage needs a harness bar, the floor pan needs to have a small part welded and the engine mounts need to be re-welded.

If you are willing to do either or both please pm me asap and we can go over details. I really need this done before winter.

you have a pm

its been sitting since march? and you havnt slaughtered him?

+1 I would slay him.

Can I ask where???

PM me with more information.

Where is the car located? so I can take a look at the extent of work needed

What is your budget? How perfect do you want it to be (this factors into budget, the quality of work will reflect how much you want to spend)

believe me im ready to. but he won’t answer calls. and its in batavia and im in buffalo and have no way out there!

update : i left the guy a message saying i want my car and money back immediately. Big suprise he calls me back saying it will be done by the end of next week. He’s in the process of painting it now. So needless to say i dont need a painter anymore…

So he decides that because the guy that was supposed to weld everything backed out on him that he was just going to paint it anyways. So great now I have to weld and redo the paint in those areas!

Still need a welder that will be free to do this next week or the week after sometime!

I can do the weldingif your really in a jam

pm sent.


so you can be like earl shiebs. many painters will not do a job half assed because the person doesn’t want to pay to have it done right.

if you read the title it says that i only need a welder now. but thanks.