WTH: English Major

looking for some one to help me out with a few things here and there and to review sites that i do and check grammar and etc… because honestly i fucking suck, I will pay them per paper they correct. so if you know any one willing to make an extra buck here and there let me know.


price per paper?


price per paper?


depends on what it is, but most papers will be simple one pagers and i dont mind tossing $20-$50 per page.

i should better explain my self. I will come up with a rough draft and basic what i want it to say. And they will just have to correct it and revise it to better grammar and wording.

Done Deal…sir I am with ya

My fiance is an Elementary Education Major with a concentration in English… and I constantly have to proofread her shit. You should tighten up your criteria.

turbloz will do the trick though he is cute… err smart.

my girlfriend is an excellent writer. she writes a column for UB Today(alumni magazine). im sure she would be willing to make some cash