WTH: Good at writing stuff?

I am starting a .com businesses and I need some English majors/ students to write me up some content pages. How does it work? Well I will provide you guys a set of keywords. For each keyword I will need you to write 3-5 paragraphs about the selected keyword. Inside each paragraph mention the keyword 1-3 times. Each article has to be around 450 words total.

So are you looking to earn some extra cash quickly? I know some you guy’s can knock these out in like 20 minutes. I Will pay $15-$20 per page so easy quick money.

If you think you can do this shot me a PM and we can discuss more details.


im a pretty sick writer…

looks like this could be fun and interesting… i’m listening :slight_smile:



You are paying by page

Yet the requirements are by keyword / paragraph

Something just doesn’t seem to work…

is the content automotive?

i is good at the writing.

me fail english? that’s unpossible

1 million paragraphs per page

you end up making .01 cents per hour

lol :clap:

$15-$20 per 450 words

Here 450 words constitutes a page

I’m not even gonna be an asshole here, but he edited after the fact.

Any of you clowns that are not interested or have nothing constructive to add STFU


sometimes you can be such an unwarranted cocksucker

edit: you are the one bringing the drama into the thread, asshole


Those kind of mistakes will NOT help you get $15-20/hr

that was NOT intended towards you AT ALL. Just the bs before
Anyway my wiresless took a crap before I got a chance to say “Respect, I edited my first post as well”

Are you Dos’ surrogate father?

Any time someone gives him some shit, Violator is there to the rescue. He’s a big boy (literally). He can handle it himself.

Okay word, we are straight then:meh2:

It has nothing to do with that. I back up anyone I feel gets the shit end sometimes. People here have a habit of starting hate trains on just jumping on board because some of their friends are in. Big, pathetic circle jerk.

ok enough of the drama.


we need people who is good at write things!!!

lol…sorry adam :stuck_out_tongue:

I is good at the writing but grammar really aint my thang.

Can I’s b creative thought process creator and you tipe it 4 me?

PM me because I have skills to pay the bills