Looking for work

I’m looking for something off the books for a few months. On tue, thursdays and some evenings. Right now I’m getting unemployment until the weather breaks and I can start doing concrete again. But I am just so bored all the time. This job doens’t have to pay much, just looking for sonething to eat up more of my schedule during the week. Anyone know of someone looking for extra help. It doesn’t really matter what it is.

you can be my personal slave. i’ll throw ya 20 bucks a night to cook, clean, read me books, change the channel for me, drive me tanning, answer my phone calls, paint my nails… etc.

and i’m not kidding. i’ve been looking for one.

^ rofl

Ask for more $ if you consider it…her phone rings 500 times a day, she tans atleast once a day, changes her nail color sometimes 2x a day. I would say atleast 50 a day for the amount of work involved. :stuck_out_tongue:

u laugh but shes really serious

he only knows this because i offered him a job a while ago, but he wasnt qualified.

qualified. u practically begged me but i had to turn it down. i can only imagine wanting to punch u in the face many times after a day of work

ha i’d cut a bitch.

now let’s stay on topic. i offered this kid a job.

is there sex involved in these transactions? seems like a lot of work for a measly 20 bucks

Tempting offer. But that would be like having another girlfriend.


u paint ur gfs nails? call her and get ur balls back

I’ll do it :stuck_out_tongue:

shiiiiiit ill do it for you kristen! lol it would just be like any other girls night. speaking of which…im sending u a PM

With a name like “BONGER”, a career at Terrapin Station may be better for you than cement work. :lol:

lol, this is funny

Drive around and pick up dog shit off peoples lawns and charge a fee.

All you need is a shopvac to suck the turds up.

I bet you could charge $10 a lawn and be done in 10 minutes.

I got 4 dogs…it will take way more than 10 min lol.

Jeg is your first customer.

Imagine telling people/girls what you do for a living :lol:

souns like you need a wife …