Help Needed, Part Time, Evenings...

Well, as the post title implies, I need some part time help… tired of waiting for help that is never available.

~3 evenings a week or so, 6PM-12AM ballpark, flexible schedule. $15/hr cash.

Mechanical skills and a brain required, light body skills a plus. No tools or equipment needed.

Basically, I have a slew of small internal/external projects that need to get wrapped up from now through next Spring before I move down to FL to the new house/shop. Your job is to do whatever needs to be done… assemble hoses, scrape rust, paint shit, clean things, take things apart, help carry/move things, etc. Relatively tight quarters around here as I am working at home, and cannot be allergic to cats/dogs as there are three around here.

High quality and reliable people only. If you are unreliable, don’t waste my time. If you are a scumbag and fuck with my shit, I will hunt you down and burn down your fucking life.

Side Note: If you are a seriously high quality individual, there may be an available offer of both an escape from NY State, as well as a job offer and/or living arrangements in FL if interested. New house, new business, new shop… and plenty of work to do down there getting set up and ultimately taking on new customers.

I think most people have some idea of what I do… but if you need any info, just ask.

Wow. I want to work for you!

I like when job opportunities threaten my life in the posting…


If anyone seriously takes that as a threat that would apply to them, then obviously they are exactly the kind of person I do not want around here. Someone will be working in MY HOUSE. Steal from me, take advantage of that scenario, etc… and it will be bad for your health. Be a good person, and you have zero to worry about. Take it how you will, I really don’t care. I don’t know most of the guys kicking around here from Adam anymore, and the obvious needs to be stated sometimes.

This is pretty low drag & low stress, with some pretty interesting perks in the long run should someone opt in to use them. If anyone is expecting to be praised like a snowflake kindergartner learning colors, you have the wrong guy. This is simple, cash in exchange for help. Be reliable and on point, and everything will be fine. I know that much of the country needs Safe Spaces and expects to be paid for existing these days, but sorry… look elsewhere for that category. Believe it or not, I am actually a pretty nice guy… but a nice guy who no longer gives an opening for nonsense.

That said, if you aren’t adding to this thread in any way that matters, exit stage left.

Right…so, in case you are not aware of how your ad reads, it kind of sounds like this…

I’ll pay you off the books to work on vipers at my house with my cats and dogs, for a whole $15/hour, but don’t fuck with me or my livelihood or I’ll end you…

And to then get mad and try to make this political by calling people snowflakes for responding to how ridiculous the ad sounds, simply goes to show that you may actually be the snowflake in this case…

If you’re going to write an ad like that, you should be prepared for a fitting response…and if based on your experience with past workers, you think you need to write an ad like that to find a decent worker, then you are doing something way off…

Free advice, in the interest of making this potentially positive…there are probably a # of decent candidates that can do what you are looking for on here…there are easier ways to recruit them, though…just state the job and pay range with a brief description…threats or implications won’t entice anyone…

:lol: A+ Post

Usual suspects upset :lol:

Sounds good to me!

Though, your “a whole $15/hr” comment is pretty transparent. Last I checked, 15/hr with no liability, drag, or tools needed on a flexible schedule is not too bad of a deal. Helping out three evenings a week reliably for a year basically puts 15K into your pocket.

This is just TEMPORARY HELP to get a bunch of personal projects wrapped up. Prove you are reliable, and worth more… and maybe it will turn into a “real job” with an option to head towards Sun & Sand. Simple as that.

And for what its worth, I am not trying to “entice” anyone. I want someone who knows the score, and WANTS to help/needs the money/sees a potential for future growth. I don’t want to talk anybody into doing anything. Know what those types of people result in? Me doing this again next month because they never cared in the first place.

PS- Snowflakes are usually the ones upset about words, often ones never directed at them. To find the snowflake, find your nearest reflection.

I can’t say the ad offended me at all. But I can say that I like that it offends other people.

Liberals are only interested in working on Lotii.

I’m not offended as well. Sounds better than McDonald’s that’s for sure!

LOL. Well at least some people on here wear Big Boy Pants. :tup:

I’m just confused, does this involved back massages?

That’s extra.

Ah when I read that at first I thought it said black massages.



Oh deer lord lol.

Thanks to everyone who contacted me, definitely more interest than I had expected!

I should be all set at this point.

Thanks guys!

Threads like this are what keeps a miserable car hating asshole like me coming back to this site.