Help Wanted // Got wheels and a work Ethic?

First off,there will be no PC at work, thus Shift518 will not be accessable… unless you are hiding in a closet on your IPhone.

Have recently obtained a few more properties that need maintenance and upgrades. This means I need someone used to working with their hands. You dont have to be a star, but able to learn… and to prove you learned will be expected. These are suburbs so no worries about city parking or other city related dangers or hassles.

Current work ranges from yard destruction and clean-up, to staining decks, general carpentry, gutting bathrooms, tile installation and so on. We will train the right person to an extent.

Most important is reliability and ability to show up and leave without supervision.

We no longer provide cell phones and you must have your own vehicle. This may or may not cange over time.

This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to consider this type of career. We do it all.

Pay depends on ablity. Contracting work will also be involved. PM if interested

need any wallpaper stripped in stair ways for those ccw’s? hahaha



yup and nope! sup dog!

I can answer questions here in the thread too… thus more info is out there.

I am looking for someone who can be available weekdays… there might be another short term position available for some weekend work during busy times.

buy some property in NYC!

pmd u.

hahaha! not much buddy how ya been??

Back in accumulation. You have a job anytime, especially if I need shit destroyed or trees pulled from there roots with bare hands. Call me… I lost your # when I got a new phone.

Interested in weekends if it’s available.

hey thanks alot i appreciate it. ill txt ya

oh yeah i forgot in my PM, i love destrying things so demo is no prob haha

Would be down for weekend jobs if you have em. Lemme know man!

I could use some extra cash but Ive got a full time job and not enough time after work. If you need some help on an occasional Saturday let me know.
Im really only good at demo though, I suck at rebuilding.

Looking for more than occassional workers, just to be very clear. PJB, you are an interesting character.


Cant do that then.
I always thought I was kinda boring actually.

You don’t have time after work? Don’t you only work til like 3 or 4 in the afternoon :lol

Yeah, thats when I get out (except for Fridays- 5), then a half hour ride home and then I go to the gym on the way home. Most nights Im not home until after 6 and by then I dont feel like doing anything.