WTH: Graphic Designer

I am looking for some help with a few small projects. We want to update our brochure, our business cards and a magazine ad. I am looking, obviously, for professional results but someone that can maybe do it on the side.

tonight i’ll ask the guys in our pre-press department if they want side work. i’ll get back to you tomorrow

Great, Thanks.

our GD at work is incredible and he is looking for side projects…

he’s in Canada, is Cuban (threfore cheap) and builds our whole national campaigns without any help… he’s a one man team.

i can get you his info if you want…

That would be great.

hey do you just need the work designed…you don’t need it printed out as well do you?..just about to finish up my degree in communication design…and thats exactly the type of stuff ive been doing

yes, we only need it designed.

How much does this usually cost. I would like a couple things done. Sorry to high jack your thread jesse.

my guy’s personal e-mail is: abeldelgado @ cogeco.ca

no spaces obviously.

dude is a crazy cuban dirtbag… but does fantastic professional grade work and you could get it cheap

hey if you didnt get your designer, thats what I do!

my email is x360graphicsx@yahoo.com

for a fellow board member, price would be pretty much free!

let me know!

Bump. I haven’t heard back from the guy I was using, in over a month.