WTH: Web & graphic designers - sidejobs

Being in my field of business and having a internet related side business, we have a ton of people that come to us asking for website and graphic design. Myself and my business partner can’t keep up with the requests that we have, but still want to be able to help out our customers. We still are able to offer web hosting and programming to them.

So we are putting out the feelers for a few people that would be interested in doing some graphics and web design. It’s not a full time job, no benefits, etc. Just something to do on the side and get paid cash.

I figured I would post on a few of the local sites that I am on and at UB to get a range of talent.

Most of the sites are for smaller local businesses that need anywhere from 5 to 20 pages with a lot of static images and links. So it’s not hard if you know what you are doing and it’s extra $.

If you are interested, you can email me at rodandpiston@gmail.com with your capabilities, some of your jobs (if a collaborated job, specify details of your work), and any other information that you can.

Our graphic designer guy in the office is great and would do sidework.

i will send him your e-mail.

I will send you an e-mail, just about anything that you can think up I can execute

Bump for the day shift
Got a few good replies. Looking to build up the list.