WTH: someone with car trailer for sat. morning around 12

Looking to move a car from town of LKPT to NT or about 10 or 15 miles Max.Does not start if it matters.I will be there to help as well.

duuuuude… our trailer jack broke Tuesday otherwise I’d help you out, good luck. If you get stuck let me kow and I’ll see if i can dig someone up for you.

PM Anonymity. :tup:

I’d offer to help push but I’ll prolly be working.

PM JuicedGT…See if he can get Ab’s trailer behind my house…

Already taked to him and we’re set up for tom.at 11:30.May be looking at Ab’s engine as well

I live in Lockport, and can help you tomorrow. If I would have read this yesterday…

Edit: I have the trailer, but my wife took the truck today. Also, it doesn’t have winch.