Anyone able to tow a lowered car this weekend?

It’s a lowered 370z that can’t be started and needs to go from Keeler in Latham over to Synapse in Scotia, approx. an 11 mile drive. Really any time between now and say Monday is fine.

By no means am I looking for a freebie or a favor, just someone that is able to tow it without damaging the car getting it on the truck/trailer.

Thanks in advance.

Pm Underboosted, or I’m sure he will chime in here.

Underboosted (Frank) is your man.

Bring aidz meds for rusty trailer spots though

Frank is away this weekend! He said he’ll bring back fender paint from the Bahamas though!

Ive got a truck but not a trailer. If you rent one at Uhaul or Budget I can do it.

428-8923 tell Jim john at park auto had ya call . Have him send Jr or jojo . Best out there and all is trust , esp seeing as I worked for them

Thanks for the help guys, I ended up going with a friend of Vlad’s.