WTT: My Modded Xbox for a Nintendo DS Lite

Yeah, i’ve gone crazy. If you saw my post before, i was selling my modded xbox and asking 250. I dont think I will get that, and I dont play it, so I was hoping that I could trade someone for a nintendo DS and maybe a few games.

Thats about dropping my price in half. Let me know what you can do. I will entertain offers for cash too, so that I could just buy one.

Remember, Xbox has almost every NES, SNES, Sega, and N64 game, as well as tons of xbox games, and tv shows and movies on it. And more!



will you trade for a older DS??? and what do you mean “Remember, Xbox has almost every NES, SNES, Sega, and N64 game, as well as tons of xbox games, and tv shows and movies on it. And more!”???

its modded, im guessing it has a bigger hard drive and he put a bunch of shit on it


Yes, i have a post where I was just selling it on here that said all that. And no, I dont want an older DS.


ok just thought that i would ask