WTT: My skyline gtr for 300zx tt modified

They are not worth more. The Monetary Value in North America is sometimes higher due to its availability however it is commonly looked at as an inferior vehicle.

Case in point, there’s someone on this board. I believe he’s selling his modified GTR for ~$27,000 CDN… And as far as I understand it hasn’t yet been sold.
Go to twinturbo.net or 300zxclub.com and look for the same year Z with the same amount of KM and modifications. You will probably find that car for ~$35000USD

Lets say the Skyline on this board is one of those freak examples. Lets go to Autotrader and verify.
Top Skyline for sale is $14,000CDN.
At the same time, Top 300ZX for sale is $18,500.

Even if we’re matching power and upgrades between vehicles on Autotrader
Top Skyline for sale is now reduced to $13,900
Top 300ZX for sale is still $18,500