WTT nissan sentra SER (sr20det)


only thinking trades? what about a cash offer, and emission passable?

yeah really just interested in trades…


check me out and let me know, You car + cash.
BTW the 94 SS bumper really completes the look.


trade for my 200sx turbo?

bump… seeing whats up


btw … body work was just done in june. SO its pretty minty now.

s14 would be a nice trade. or GTR roller… you know for dad hahah

1998 Maxima 5 speed?

figured its worth a shot lol.

Bluebird ss’s were fwd sr20det.

trade for a 97 dodge dakota?

That car is getting better everytime I see it (or at least, pictures of it). Have you had it out to the track recently?

thanks guys … Yeah I had it at the track about a month ago. DUnville. very fun car.
New rims too I will take pictures tommorrow.

Can you send me pictures? I sold a car today and have a B13 before.
Did you maintain use of the AC in the swap? Was it originaly an SE or SE-R pre swap?
I know you’re saying trade but how would you ask as a selling price?

JESUS CHRIST ADAM!!! this post has been going on for almost 2 years and no one has offered u ne thing good for this car. if u get rid of this… ill fuckin kill u… u and ur dad worked so hard on this thing and yet i havent even seen it at all this year… WTF MATE!

look out for this guy he was going to trade me like 2 years ago till i found out he needed his daddy’s permission and wasted my time

^ LOL… ‘‘daddy pleaseeeeee’’ (in Eric Cartman voice)

^ I lol’d, to the o.p, maybe you should be more open to trades :stuck_out_tongue: this thread is 2 years old!

look out for this guy he was going to trade me like 2 years ago till i found out he needed his daddy’s permission and wasted my time

your a mess. buddy you tried trading me a POS SOHC 240. hqhahah and yeah my dad was just looking out for me cause he knows there are BIG messes all over the place,

Thank GOD I have him hahaha Jealously is a mother fu@$er!!

And All I have is time. I a looking for the right trade. I am not looking to give the car away. so what if I wait another 3 years big deal

for everyone that knows me and knows the car thanks for the interest

look out for this guy??? wtf is that supposed to mean. posts been here for 2 years and a lot of offers yet no one else has had a problem. u expected him to trade u a SOHC for his sentra… maybe he hadda ask his dad cuz they built it together and its not all his choice to just sell it… maybe it means more to him then some everyday POS, maybe hes lookin for something different… he wasted ur time… unless it was mint with like 100k on it, u wasted his fuckin time…

i love how so many people on here feel the need to talk shit cuz they either didnt get their way cuz they are cheap cunts or just cuz they feel like being an asshole to someone who is learning. if u have a problem with someone… stay the fuck out of their posts or dont come online… simple as that