WTT: SS s/c 18's for IRL 17's / Saab-BBS 17's

As it says. I have a set of stock Cobalt SS gunmetal 18’s that I’d like to trade for a set of either Ion Redline 17’s or a set of factory Saab-BBS 17’s. The IRL wheels can be any finish because they’ll be going to AMF anyway. And the Saab-BBS’s are always silver… These are 18x7’s. They have Pirelli P-Zero Rosso’s all around with a bunch of tread still left. The wheels are about 92% perfect, but perfectly sufficient for a daily driver. Post or PM and we’ll work something out.

This is not my car, but they ARE the wheels in question. The only pics I have with them on my car are on my phone… But I will take some in the next day or so for you guys…
