Looking to trade or sell my hx wheels . The tires are pretty much shot on them . They are painted with duplicolor black wheel paint . They are not bent ,just looking to see if I could get something else. Looking for blades,fat fives as well as any other 14-15" 4x100 wheels. Located in Colonie NY
no sir
Whats your lowest price r those slicks on em?
nah there deff just beat ass tires lol
Heyy im just quoting you in your first post . . . so yeaa
pm me if interested sr20 with an offer and we can probably work something out
youll see.
I’m not in a jam to sell them . If someone offered a decent amount or a trade I would do it . If not ill just keep them for this season and get some tires.
ha k
I think I bought my set of HX for $150 with tires a while back. That’s a fair price and the most I would offer on them.
But glws.
thats what i figured, thats why i offered that.
id offer 150 as well but touge already offered this with no luck
$149.41 Canadian.
I am just gonna keep them I think . Just change the color of them this year.