X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

Thats ok…I’ll find you…and then HEADSHOT!!!..on me, I’m terrible.

See, thats the thing. People see “test Drive” and they think this is just another racing game. Not even close. This one happens to have a massively open online world situation.
If you buy the game used ($29 @ EB) You will not be disappointed.

You can do the regular game like buying cars, houses to keep your cars in by winning races/time trials, deliveries and such. Then when that gets boring you just cruise around looking for competetive online players for races, or just to crise around in a large pack all over the island.

Last night I spent about three hours just chasing around the island with four of my friends in my Chrysler ME Four-Twelve at about 275 mph in the draft of a friends Konigsegg.

The feel of the game is right in between arcade racer and full sim. Lots of cars…a weak tuning sytem, and great physics.

Here is a full review.



i was doing so bad last night. ive had R6 for a while but didnt play it much cause we would always play gears, but after a few games… i got the hang of it

it was def a good time though.

hopefully we can get a decent game going tonight.

anybody else down for R6 tonight?.. oh i love being a nerd now HAHAHA. xbox 360… best purchase EVER!

yeah im down, i love R6, had fun last night.

who were to new people again?, i get these invites and have no clue who they are…lol

ive been playing that alot lately also, its addicting to say the least.

xrunner was one of them… and a friend of his

ahh ok

i need to get my rank up…

im gonna be major lt. superstar awsomeness

me too, my rank sucks balls, ill play online today and get it

Thought I did this, but I guess not…

Gamertag: UpwindRogue


Call of Duty 2
Enchanted Arms
FarCry Predator
Lego Star Wars II
Madden 07
NFS: Most Wanted
NFS: Carbon
Perfect Dark Zero
Test Drive Unlimited
Gears of War
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

hooooorayy… i get to add a kilger brother LOL

You’re all just jealous of my Staff Sergeant rank :smiley: And even with all those games we played last night, I only got one bar for experience… its gonna be a bitch to get to Sgt First Class, and then Master Sgt… ugh :stuck_out_tongue:

But then I can use the AK-47… when you absolutely gotta kill every last motha-fucka in the room, except no substitues!

oh shut it andy :lol:

Tag: Popsiclestick
I think :3

Games: Gears of War, FFXI,

I play demos mostly since I can’t find any good games I like

What kills me…Im half way through Ghost Recon, on my OFFLINE profile. My new ONLINE profile has nothing!

Anyone know if theirs a way to “merge” profiles???

PM me the answer as to not go off topic…too far.

i’ll be ready for some r6 action tonight! around 9:30ish i’ll be on

I had that issue as well. All my Rep and Gamerscore transferred to my new name but I could’t figure out how to keep that name.

oh snappppppppppppppp


As was expected my superhuman-like shooting skills and phenomenal attack strategy once again led me to crush my opponents on the virtual battlefield and lead them to suicide in real life. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

I will be back on tonight for those that are interested in seeing what it’s like when one of the Gods (me) decides to come join the mere mortals and play some xbox live. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

You can all try to soar to the heights at which I play, and you will fail miserably. However, even in your miserable failure, you will achieve betterment through your futile attempts to reach the heavens above where I play. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

CLIFFS : Rainbow is fun as fuck and i cant wait to play tonight with you guis omg. ill be on about 10 :tup:

AHHAHAH ur so gay :rofl: