X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

ok i gave up on flashing the drive to play R6 stupid sata controller won’t work with that 360 drive

u need to get the new adaptor

new adapter?

yeah, what are u using now?, the old one they sold wouldent work with a bunch of sata controllers.

ahh, I was doing it the old cheapo way. Hook it up to pc and run mtkflash with the extreme file, but it came back with the error everytime that my sata did not support flashing

macooooonnnn… go get the new adapter.

then play R6…


here http://www.team-xecuter.com/

read that if u already havnt.

Boooo from what I read a SIL3112 won’t work which is what I have. I need a new SATA controller card

fix it by tonight macoooon

or just buy the usb adaptor :slight_smile:
id lend u mine but ur far far far far away…

Yes sir!!!

usb adapter would take a few days…I’m impatient

are u sure ur drive can be flashed also?

I have the Samsung TS-H943 so i’m sure I can flash it

<3, yea that stage got kinda gay…after everyone left mike and i started doing some terrorists hunts with the density on high, that shit is hard. We were only able to beat one level. The other one we attempted had 50 terrorists, lol.

HAHAHAHAHa oh well.

i MAY be on tonight if anybody is down to play again.

actually the toshiba is the one that can be flashed, the samsung i believe they just came out with a way to do it a few days ago.

heres a good read also


maybe?, its not like u have woman wanting to come watch football or anything.


HAHAHAHAHA… damnit. i knew she was hinting that she wanted to come over, but i really DID NOT want to clean my place. lol. i wouldn’t have had time

best way to see if a chick digs u, leave place a mess :stuck_out_tongue: