X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

We playing tonight?


Gears of War
Lost Planet
Madden 07
Rockstar Presents: Table Tennis
3 Burger King games

play isnt the word lol, more like obsessed with for about 3 weeks until i got every accomplishment

btw, the rototiller…MOST FUN WEAPON EVER

I went through and added everyone… my tag is fetter1983 so go ahead and add me!


im sick, home for the past 2 days… nothing good on tv.

is there enough people around to get something going? im bored

bump… we have another for r6. and i know mike said he is down to play tonight.

Whos down for r6…i’d say between 9pm and 10pm we start

word im down for some r6 later, but i may not be home til later :ohnoes: i think ken should be down too :tup:

Damn, don’t you guys have to get up in the morning? I am in bed by 10.

i might let jon play

lol…gotta be up at 7 :slight_smile:

ive gotta be up by noon. its rough but you dont hear me complaining. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/thankya.gif

god jay quit being such a pussy and stay up and play. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v181/87FOXGT/ma.gif


everybody better be on tonight… we need to get an awesome game going.

plus… i am 1 more bar to being out of private first class :slight_smile:

shut up skunk.

lol ill play, but i wont be home till 11ish or so, so ill just see whos on when i get home.

word… i might not play till about 11 or 12 now

i’ll kill you

If I didn’t have work and class until 9:30 tomorrow I would.

I might be on later when I get home.

And Skunk… you’ll always be a private First Class to me :smiley:

my roomy is watching idol… maybe when hes done…

who is on now?

i don’t think so.

you didn’t ask me.